Ultra Modern Digital X Ray


Ultra Modern Digital X Ray

Report Delivery: Same Day

Pre Test Infomation: No special preparation required



An X-ray report is a photographic or digital image of the internal composition of something, especially a part of the body, produced by X-rays being passed through it and being absorbed to different degrees by different materials.

During X-ray examination, you are required to change into light cloths and remove all jewelry. The technician guides you in taking the right position in front of the X-ray receiving plate. Depending upon the target body part, you may be asked to lie down or stand to facilitate the X-ray report.OUR FACILITY:

All views X ray reports (AP/Lateral/Oblique)
Latest technology instruments from Siemens and Allengers.
Digital X-ray: We bring to you highly accurate X-ray images printed instantly and delivered to you within a couple of hours.

X-ray tests done for all body parts including spine, shoulder blades, chest, hand, leg, soft tissue and more.
All tests are done by skilled technicians under the supervision of qualified doctors to provide you accurate results.
Time required for report delivery may vary according to tests.


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