Torch Panel 10 Parameters
Torch Panel 10 Parameters
Report Delivery: Same Day
Pre Test Infomation: No special preparation required
TORCH G 1. This assay is used for quantitative detection of specific IgG antibodies to TORCH in serum samples. 2. Positive result indicates past infection with TORCH. Pregnant females with positive TORCH specific IgG antibodies are considered to be immune and hence risk of transmission of infection to fetus is minimal. 3. Negative result indicates person has not been exposed to TORCH in the past. Pregnant females with negative TORCH specific IgG antibodies are considered at risk of transmission of infection to fetus. Patients with negative results in suspected disease should be re-tested after 10-14 days. TORCH M 1. This assay is used for quantitative detection of specific IgM antibodies to TORCH in serum samples. 2. Positive result for TORCH IgM indicates possible acute infection with TORCH. False positive reaction due to rheumatoid factor and persistence of positive IgM (except Herpes Simplex virus) for upto 2 years is not uncommon. 3. Negative result indicates no serological evidence of infection with TORCH. False negative can be due to immunosuppression or due to low/undetectable level of IgM antibodies. A suspected diagnosis of acute TORCH infection should be confirmed by PCR analysis or repeat test after 10-14 days.
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